import numpy as np
import scipy.special as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
We calculate the value of π using to our advantage the fact that the probability for a random sample from a grid containing a circle to be part of the circle is
Since we can also determine through the Monte Carlo simulation that PC=NCNT, the value of π is given by the ratio of samples
with NC being the number of samples that fall inside the circle and N the total number of samples. The more random samples are used, and the greater the grid resolution, the better one can compute the value of π. It is necessary to note however, that the quality of the random data will affect the result and conventional random number generators (RNG) may influence precision at large sample counts NT.
#define function to create a circle
def circle_creator_function(RThetaPhi, C, n, N, M):
Implementation of the contrast profile function.
M_orig = M
M = 1
B = 0
x = np.linspace(0, N, N)
y = x.copy()
z = np.linspace(0, M, M)
X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(x, y, z)
Xs = X - N / 2
Ys = Y - N / 2
Zs = Z
r = np.sqrt(Xs ** 2 + Ys ** 2 + Zs ** 2)
# theta = np.arccos(X/(np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)))
# phi = np.arccos(Z/r)
# grid = np.zeros((N, N, M), dtype=np.float)
grid = C / 2. * (1. - sp.erf((r - RThetaPhi) / n)) + B
# grayscaleim = quantize(grid[init_dict['N'] // 2])
# cv2.imwrite('grid.png', grayscaleim)
grid = np.squeeze(grid)
return grid
#create a circle, the higher resolution, the better we can approximate Pi
circle = circle_creator_function(6*1028,1,0,6*2056,6*2056)
# tell matplotlib to display our images as a 6 x 6 inch image, with resolution of 100 dpi
plt.figure(figsize = (6,6), dpi=100)
# tell matplotlib to display our image, using a gray-scale lookup table.
#define Monte Carlo simulation function with N random samples
def mc_pi_calculator(N, square_grid, sample_grid_setting = False):
circle_samples = 0
#option to create view of the scattered samples
if sample_grid_setting == True:
sample_grid = square_grid.copy()
for N in range(0,N):
sample = np.random.randint(np.shape(circle)[0], size=(1, 2))[0]
if square_grid[sample[0]][sample[1]] == 1:
circle_samples += 1
if sample_grid_setting == True:
sample_grid[sample[0]][sample[1]] = 3
if sample_grid_setting == True:
plt.figure(figsize = (6,6), dpi=100)
cmap_list = ListedColormap(["black", "white", "red"])
plt.imshow(sample_grid, cmap = cmap_list)
pi = 4*circle_samples/N
return pi
#run the Monte Carlo simulation, in this case for N = 10^6 samples
mc_pi_calculator(int(1e6), circle, sample_grid_setting = True)
#we can also plot how precise the predicted value is and how quickly it converges by repeating the Monte Carlo simulation for varying sample sizes
n_list = np.arange(10,5*1e3,10, dtype = "int16")
pi_values = []
for n in range(10,int(5*1e3),10):
pi_values.append(mc_pi_calculator(n, circle))
#for the difference between the actual value of Pi and the computed value from the MC simulation we get
n_list = np.arange(10,5*1e3,10, dtype = "int16")
pi_values = []
for n in range(10,int(5*1e3),10):
pi_values.append(mc_pi_calculator(n, circle))
#the average value of Pi from MC simulations with more than 1000 iterations is then
We estimate the average distance a photon can propagate freely through space before hitting a star, which inversely would be the average distance between an observer randomly looking into the night sky and a star that falls directly into their line of sight. We start by looking at the example of a Sherwood Forest in which each tree has a radius of r=10m and the density of trees is ρtrees=0.0051m2. Inside a box of Abox=1000m2 this would mean there is a number of Ntrees=5 distributed randomly across the sample. We calculate the resulting probability of hitting a tree by sampling a number NTotal of infinitesimally small arrows that move in a straight line without friction until they hit a tree. For our Monte Carlo Simulation we then sample the amount of arrows hitting a tree Nhits such that the mean probability of a hit becomes
From geometrical analysis, we also find that the theoretical probability of hitting a circle of radius r at a distance d is given by
which may then be reformulated to yield the average distance
#first we create a NxN grid of A = 1000m2 and fill it with 5 spheres of radius r = 10m at random points in the grid
scaling = 5
box = np.zeros((1000*scaling,1000*scaling))
for i in range(5):
random_centre = np.random.randint(low = 10*scaling, high = np.shape(box)[0]-10*scaling, size=(1, 2))[0]
xmin, xmax = random_centre[0]+np.array([-10*scaling,10*scaling])
ymin, ymax = random_centre[1]+np.array([-10*scaling,10*scaling])
box[xmin:xmax,ymin:ymax] = circle_creator_function(10*scaling,1,0,20*scaling,20*scaling)
#finally, we check our result by plotting the box
plt.figure(figsize = (6,6), dpi=100)
# tell matplotlib to display our image, using a gray-scale lookup table.
def random_line_generator(random_angle, box, scaling):
centre = np.array(np.shape(box))/2
if random_angle < 1/4*np.pi:
edge = (centre+500*scaling*np.array([1,np.tan(random_angle)])).astype("int16")
elif random_angle >= 1/4*np.pi and random_angle < 1/2*np.pi:
random_angle += (-1/4*np.pi)
edge = (centre+500*scaling*np.array([np.tan(random_angle),1])).astype("int16")
elif random_angle >= 1/2*np.pi and random_angle < 3/4*np.pi:
random_angle += (-1/2*np.pi)
edge = (centre+500*scaling*np.array([-np.tan(random_angle),1])).astype("int16")
elif random_angle >= 3/4*np.pi and random_angle <= np.pi:
random_angle += (-3/4*np.pi)
edge = (centre+500*scaling*np.array([-1,np.tan(random_angle)])).astype("int16")
elif random_angle >= np.pi and random_angle <= 5/4*np.pi:
random_angle += (-np.pi)
edge = (centre+500*scaling*np.array([-1,-np.tan(random_angle)])).astype("int16")
elif random_angle >= 5/4*np.pi and random_angle < 3/2*np.pi:
random_angle += (-5/4*np.pi)
edge = (centre+500*scaling*np.array([-np.tan(random_angle),-1])).astype("int16")
elif random_angle >= 3/2*np.pi and random_angle < 7/4*np.pi:
random_angle += (-3/2*np.pi)
edge = (centre+500*scaling*np.array([np.tan(random_angle),-1])).astype("int16")
elif random_angle >= 7/4*np.pi and random_angle <= 2*np.pi:
random_angle += (-7/4*np.pi)
edge = (centre+500*scaling*np.array([1,-np.tan(random_angle)])).astype("int16")
print("Error: Angle outside of bounds")
return 0
line = draw.line_nd(centre, edge, endpoint=False)
return line
#then we draw a line in a random direction for each sample
from skimage import draw
for i in range(1000):
random_angle = np.random.uniform(low = 0, high = 2*np.pi)
centre = np.array(np.shape(box))/2
line = random_line_generator(random_angle, box, scaling)
box[line] = 1
#finally, we check our result by plotting the box
plt.figure(figsize = (6,6), dpi=150)
# tell matplotlib to display our image, using a gray-scale lookup table.
#legacy code for a simpler, spherical version of the line generation algorithm
from skimage import draw
for i in range(1000):
random_angle = np.random.uniform(low = 0, high = 2*np.pi)
centre = np.array(np.shape(box))/2
line = draw.line_nd(centre, (centre+500*scaling*np.array([np.cos(random_angle),np.sin(random_angle)])).astype("int16"), endpoint=False)
box[line] = 1
#finally, we check our result by plotting the box
plt.figure(figsize = (6,6), dpi=150)
# tell matplotlib to display our image, using a gray-scale lookup table.
#now we write a function that creates a grid with circle masks
def sherwood_forest_generator(radius = 10, grid_size = 1000, N_trees = 5, scaling = 5):
box = np.zeros((grid_size*scaling,grid_size*scaling))
for i in range(N_trees):
random_centre = np.random.randint(low = radius*scaling, high = np.shape(box)[0]-radius*scaling, size=(1, 2))[0]
xmin, xmax = random_centre[0]+np.array([-radius*scaling,radius*scaling])
ymin, ymax = random_centre[1]+np.array([-radius*scaling,radius*scaling])
box[xmin:xmax,ymin:ymax] = circle_creator_function(radius*scaling,1,0,radius*2*scaling,radius*2*scaling)
forest_mask = (box == 1)
return box, forest_mask
#and subsequently, a function that runs the actual MC simulation by generating a random grid of circles and shooting off random lines from the centre to check wether or not there was a succesful hit
def mc_sherwood_forest(N_Total, radius = 10, grid_size = 1000, N_trees = 5, scaling = 5):
N_hits = 0
for i in range(int(N_Total)):
box, forest_mask = sherwood_forest_generator(radius = radius, grid_size = grid_size, N_trees = N_trees, scaling = scaling)
random_angle = np.random.uniform(low = 0, high = 2*np.pi)
centre = np.array(np.shape(box))/2
line = random_line_generator(random_angle, box, scaling)
box[line] = 2
line_forest_mask = (box == 2 ) & (forest_mask == True)
if line_forest_mask.any() == True:
N_hits += 1
P_hit = N_hits/N_Total
d_average = radius/np.tan(np.pi*P_hit)
return d_average
#we may now run the Mote Carlo simulation for N = 1000 iterations to get an initial value
#and once again, test if the results converge towards a common value for the average distance the arrow may travel
n_list = np.arange(10,1e3,10, dtype = "int16")
d_average = []
for n in range(10,int(1e3),10):
#the average distance you can travel before hitting a tree in such a sherwood forest is then
print(np.average(d_average[20:]), "km")